2023 Programme

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The 2023 Conference programme




Conference Opening

  • Cecilia Ramberg, Director of LIGHTer, host, Sweden
  • Erik Blix, moderator, Sweden


Opening Keynotes

« The importance of co-operation between nations, industries and researchers to attain the overall mission of a sustainable society. The role of lightweighting. »

  • Video Greeting by Anne Lidgard, Director, Senior Advisor at Vinnova, Head of International Cooperation, Sweden
    Speeches from:
  • Susanne Szech-Koundouros, Deputy Director-General, Raw Materials Policy, Resource Efficiency, Circular Economy, Germany
  • Alexander Pogany, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Austria




Keynote Energy Industry


Energy Industry Panel Discussion

« The role of lightweight in the transition towards a fossil-free energy system. What is needed for the energy sector to support the Net Zero Initiative: Challenges in the value circle, most important actions. »

  • Dirk Fischer, Senior Sales and Project Manager, Argo-Anleg GmbH, Germany
  • Amaya Igartua, Doctor in Sciences (Chemistry), Coordinator of Materials Initiatives (EUMAT, AMI), TEKNIKER, Spain


Construction Industry Panel Discussion

« The role of lightweight for promoting sustainable construction and infrastructure in different parts of the construction value chain: materials, research, design, business models. »

  • Pierre Duysinx, Professor, University of Liège, Belgium
  • Ulf Håkansson, Technical Manager at Skanska, Sweden


Networking and coffee


Mobility Industry Panel Discussion

« The role of lightweight for a competitive and fossil-free mobility sector. Is lightweighting a priority in all transport modes? What needs to be done: recycling, product development, raw materials, value circles? »

  • Stefan Christiernin, Head of Strategic Knowledge and Research, Volvo Cars, Sweden
  • Stefanie Brickwede, Managing Director – Mobility goes Additive e.V.
    & Head of AM – DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung GmbH, Germany
  • Claude Maack, Managing Director of GRADEL Group, Luxembourg


Interactive session with conference delegates

« The European Lightweighting Network and Lightweighting as an enabler for the Green Deal. »

  • Cecilia Ramberg, Director of LIGHTer, host, Sweden


Economic importance

Download presentation: « Economic Impact of Lightweighting. »

  • Anna Kleissner, CEO, Econmove GmbH, Austria


Summary of day one


Break and preparations to departure to Fjäderholmarna in the archipelago of Stockholm




Recap and opening of day two

  • Cecilia Ramberg, Director of LIGHTer, host, Sweden
  • Erik Blix, moderator, Sweden


Lightweight contributions to the European Green Deal

Download presentation: « Advanced materials for the Green Deal. »

  • Javier Sanfelix, Policy Officer, DG Research and Innovation
    & Industrial Transformation, European Commission, Spain


Presentation & Q&A Session

« International R&D collaboration activities already initiated within ELN and future suggestions. »

  • Lena Killander, Programme manager, Industrial Technologies, Vinnova, Sweden
  • Werner Loscheider, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Germany
  • Alexander Pogany, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Austria
  • Javier Sanfelix, Policy Officer, DG Research and Innovation
    & Industrial Transformation, European Commission, Spain


Coffee break


ELN Roadmap

Download presentation: « Roadmap and milestones ahead for the European Lightweighting Network. »

  • Boel Wadman, Research & Business Developer, Focus Area Leader in Manufacturing, RISE, Sweden
  • Werner Loscheider, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Germany
  • Alexander Pogany, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Austria
  • Amaya Igartua, Doctor in Sciences (Chemistry), Coordinator of Materials Initiatives (EUMAT, AMI), TEKNIKER, Spain
  • Carine Petit, Attachée qualifiée – R&I Expert – Horizon Europe Service public de Wallonie, Économie Emploi Recherche, Belgium


Interactive Session with Meeting Delegates

« What to act on now and priorities for reaching a sustainable society and competitive industries. »

  • Erik Blix, moderator, Sweden


4th Conference of the European Lightweighting Network

Download presentation: « Invitation to 4th ELN-meeting.« 

Carine Petit, Attachée qualifiée – R&I Expert – Horizon Europe, Service public de Wallonie, Économie Emploi Recherche, Belgium


Closing remarks and end of conference



Get in touch

Please reach out to us with any questions you might have about the conference or the European Lightweighting Network.